Tuesday, December 4, 2012


For the last 11 months, I have experienced the word “community” in several different ways but every time I experience it, I think of the words “love” and “ubuntu”.  Ubuntu is an African word (and way of life) that means a person is a person through another person.  Everyone is interconnected and therefore, forms one massive community that is full of love, acceptance, and solidarity.  Every individual I met this year was full of the ubuntu sprit, from the toddlers to the Gogos and everyone in between.  My three roommates and I have also experienced ubuntu through more ways than I could ever imagine.  We walked with each other the whole year and are leaving South Africa with a love for each other that is incredibly strong and will continue to be with us throughout our lives.  In addition to my AV community, I have experience community in the South Africans I have met and interacted with.  We have been blessed to attend many dinners and parties at co-workers houses all throughout the Valley of 1000 Hills.  During these dinners, we have learned so much about the South African Government, the country, and have heard countless stories from their lives that have truly allowed us to immerse ourselves fully in the culture of South Africa and the ubuntu way of life. 

In addition to these dinners, I was blessed to attend a home church group with about 10 South Africans, both Zulu and white, from around the area.  We sat in a circle in one of the member’s living room and whoever wanted to start singing could.  The songs were both in Zulu and English and were beautiful to be a part of.  The whole evening was a beautiful example of community and love for each other.  Everyone had so much love and faith for God and especially for each other.  At the end of the night, my community members and I sat in the middle of the circle and everyone put their hands on us as they said a prayer for us and gave us their blessing for the rest of our year.  I immediately felt God’s presence surrounding me and ubuntu was everywhere.  This experience came at a time in my year that I needed extra support and guidance and this is exactly where I found it.  This group of people, who I just met when I walked in the door, was part of my community now and their supportive hands and love reached out to me and filled me with ubuntu.  I will always remember this moment as well as the countless other times I felt the love of community and ubuntu throughout my time here in South Africa.  

South African Fun Fact: Yesterday, December 4th, it was 72 degrees and sunny.  Today unfortunately its windy and rainy but that's South African weather for you!

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