Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Arrival and first impressions

We have safely arrived in Durban, South Africa yesterday (the 17th) around 11am SA time.  Our flight and travel here was quite long and tiring but we have made it and can not be more excited for our adventure to begin.  The 14 hour flight to Johannesburg wasn't as bad as I thought it was because we were able to break it up with naps, movie watching, food, and reading. In Johannesburg we had to go though passport check, get our bags, then go to domestic departures, recheck our bags, and go through security to eventually get on our plane to Durban.  If this sounds complicated, it was.  One of my roommate's Matt brought a keyboard to play which came through a different baggage claim which was an adventure in and of itself to find.  Then getting through the airport with our luggage was another adventure.  Needless to say we got to our gate and walked right through the cue to board the plane.  The second flight was A LOT shorter (only about 50 mins) which was all we could handle at that point.  Our arrival in Durban was exciting yet confusing again waiting for our luggage and eventually finding the priests who were picking us up.  We definitely looked like the lost, out of place Americans arriving in a foreign country tired as anything.  They waved us down only after seconds of confused looks and we were then in their cars heading to our house which is about 45 minutes away from the airport.  The drive was wonderful and Brother Craig who Kevin and I drove with pointed out some areas and explained some of the crazy driving we encountered!!! The weather is summer and gorgeous! I changed into shorts and flip flops in the airport and we took a swim in the pool yesterday after settling in.  The temp is probably around 75 degrees Fahrenheit but they say everything in Celsius so my conversion might not be exact.  
So our house.  Only one word to describe the complex we live on: INCREDIBLE.  As soon as we arrived, I walked onto a porch area and my caught my breath as I looked out on the Valley of 1000 Hills.  The view is amazing and unbelievable that this is our AV living place.  On a clear day you can see the Indian Ocean but even the small bit of overcast yesterday gave a beautiful view of the Valley and the culture we will be living and working in.  If you look to the right, you will get the same incredible view, same thing if you look to the left.  I have tried some take some pictures already but they will never do it justice.  The panoramic is amazing and I can't wait to look at it each day and spend the year learning about the people and everything that the Valley has to offer.  Inside our house is cute and quaint with a living room and table when you first walk in followed by a small kitchen with all the essentials including a washer for your clothes not dishes.  Two bedrooms and a bathroom are in the back of the house.  On our property, there is the priests house aka "The Big House," another house which is being renovated for us to move into half way through our year, a lower cottage that larger AV groups used to split up, a pool, and a step area which they call a small amphitheater.  Just walking around the grounds is incredible and I can't wait to explore more and find my spot to pray, journal, and reflect.  Our cars are parked behind the priests house on a small basketball court and are intimating to look at but we will start our driving lessons hopefully today eekk!

Yesterday we spent time unpacking, settling in, swimming in the pool and trying to take in everything our AV living site has to offer but obviously that was impossible to do in one day.  We also tried to stay up as long as possible so our bodies could adjust to the time difference.  Dinner was a lovely, simple rice and beans because that was the only thing in our kitchen that was not expired.  Needless to say the first thing on our list for when Pat gets here later today is grocery shopping.  After dinner we put in American Pie where I watched maybe 15 minutes of it then proceeded to sleep on the couch for the rest of it.  After the movie was over, my roommates kindly woke me up and we all went to bed.  Kellie woke up at 6am this morning because she napped yesterday afternoon but the rest of us slept in and took our time getting up.

Pat should be arriving within the next hour or so and he will hopefully take us grocery shopping and to start our driving lessons.  Today should be mostly getting a feel for the surrounding area and learning how to drive standard on the opposite side of the road, using the opposite hand to shirt and sitting on the right side of the car.  This should be interesting...  Tonight we have dinner at the Kloof community which is down the long hill road from our house.  Every other Wednesday we will be eating dinner with the Augustinians at the Kloof parish and the other Wednesdays of the month we will cook for them.  Tomorrow Pat will be showing us our service sites which will hopefully answer all the questions we have of timing, expectations, etc.  We start work on Monday so we have lots to do before then.

That's the update for now but I will try to post again soon with hopefully some pictures.  Thank you all for the love, support and prayers.  Until my next post, xoxo.

South Africa Fact: There have been lots of monkeys in our area especially on my way to 1000 Hills.  We have also seen cows and goats just walking on the side of the road.  Not the typical African animals you might be thinking of but definitely different to the States.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an amazing experience. SO glad you have a nice place to stay and that it is a very diverse area.

    One of my clients at work is starting a business in South Africa, and he is wondering if you would be interested in helping out if you have some free time? I'll send you an email.

    Take care! Stay safe.
