Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The beginning of my adventure

Although I don't leave until January 16th, my adventure started back in August at orientation when I met my lovely new roommates: Kevin, from in between DC and Baltimore; Kellie, from San Francisco; and Matt, from outside of Philadelphia.  During our week together, we spent time getting to know each other through a scavenger hunt in downtown Philly and other activities.  Some photos from that week are below.  It has been a long wait from August but the time has finally come for me to start another volunteer with the Augustinian Volunteers in Durban, South Africa.  I feel blessed and extremely excited for this opportunity and for my new adventure to begin.  This blog will be used to fill you all in on my adventures, thoughts, and hopefully some pictures.  I hope to keep up with this blog better than my ones in the past but that all depends on how busy I will be which I will find out when I get there and start working.  Feel free to pass this site on to anyone who is interested.  Thanks to all of you who have supported me though all these endeavors. 

Kevin, Me, Matt, and Kelly

Our Group at the Liberty Bell

Before Dinner in NJ

During our scavenger hunt

Group before commissioning mass

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